Our Members Full Members Algeria Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CACI) https://caci.dz/en/ Angola Angolan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIA) https://ccia.ao/ BENIN Benin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIB) https://www.cci.bj/ BOTSWANA Botswana Confederation of Commerce, Industry and Manpower (BOCCIM) https://bb.org.bw/ BURKINA FASO Burkina Faso Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI-BF) https://cci.bf/?q=en BURUNDI Burundi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI Burundi) https://www.bdfind.com/ CABO VERDE Cabo Verde Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services (CCISS) https://ck-obchodnikomora.cz/en/ CAMEROON Cameroon Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines, and Crafts (CCIMA) http://ccima.cm/ CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Central African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIMA) https://www.bdfind.com/ CHAD Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture, and Mines of Chad (CCIAM) N/A COMOROS Comoros Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture (CCIA) https://www.ablcc.org CONGO (DRC) Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture, and Crafts (CCICA) N/A CONGO - BRAZZAVI LLE Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of the Congo (CCIR-C) N/A DJIBOUTI Djibouti Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture (CCIAD) N/A EGYPT Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce (FEDCOC) http://fedcoc.org.eg/ EQUATORI AL GUINEA Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture, and Forestry of Equatorial Guinea (CCAFEG) N/A ERITREA Eritrean National Chamber of Commerce (ENCC) http://www.eritrea.be/ ESWATINI Eswatini Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ECCI) https://www.gov.sz/ ETHIOPIA Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations (ECCSA) https://www.ethiopianchamber.com/ GABON Gabon Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture, Industry, and Mines (CCIAM) https://www.aoapc.org/ Gambia The Gambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) http://gcci.gm/ Ghana Ghana Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) http://ghanachamber.org/ Guinea Guinea Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture (CCIA) N/A Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture (CCIGB) N/A Kenya Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) https://www.kenyachamber.or.ke/ Lesotho Lesotho Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) N/A Liberia Liberia Chamber of Commerce (LCC) https://www.investliberia.gov.lr/ Libya Libyan Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture (LCCIA) https://mcci.ly/en/ Madagascar Madagascar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIA) N/A Malawi Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MCCCI) http://mccci.org.mw/ Mali Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mali (CCIM) https://www.cci.ml/ Mauritania Mauritania Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture (CCIA) https://www.mauritaniatrade.com Mauritius Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) https://www.mcci.org/en/ Morocco Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) http://cgem.ma/ Mozambique Confederation of Business Associations of Mozambique (CTA) http://cta.org.mz/ Namibia Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) http://ncci.org.na/ Niger Niger Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI-Niger) https://iccdglobal.com/ Nigeria Nigerian Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA) http://naccima.com/ Rwanda Rwanda Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI) http://rwandachamber.org/ São Tomé and Príncipe São Tomé and Príncipe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCISP) N/A Senegal Senegalese Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture (CCI Senegal) https://cciad.sn/ Seychelles Seychelles Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) http://scci.sc/ Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture (SLCCIA) https://sldevelopmentencyclopaedia.org/ Somalia Somalia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) https://somalichamber.so/ South Africa South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI) http://sacci.org.za/ South Sudan South Sudan Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture (SSCCIA) https://ssnccia.org.ss/ SUDAN Sudanese Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture (SCCIA) N/A Tanzania Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture (TCCIA) http://tccia.com/ Togo Togo Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIT) http://ccit.tg/ Tunisia Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade, and Handicrafts (UTICA) http://utica.org.tn/ Uganda Uganda Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UCCI) https://www.chamberuganda.go.ug/ Zambia Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI) https://zambiachamber.org/ Zimbabwe Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC) http://zncc.co.zw/